Health and Wellness Application

Client info:

Warrior Consultants LLC develops corporate wellness programs for large organizations, leveraging over 40 years of fitness industry experience and innovative health solutions


Development of an automated system for measuring body parameters from photographs


Pennsylvania (US)

The task was to create a solution to precisely calculate anthropometric measurements from a photo person and input basic parameters. The acceptable standard error of the measurements is 5%.

The solution included using Computer Vision and Machine Learning. A person inputs their weight, height, and gender as the basic parameters and takes two full-size photos from the front and the side.

The algorithm works as follows:

The algorithm calculates ten measurements of different parts of the person’s body: Neck, Elbow, Wrist, Chest, Waist, Hip, Thigh, Knee, Calf, and Ankle. The measurements are given as circumferences. No helper markers are used in the photos.

Technologies used

Backend: Python 3.7, PyTorch, Mediapipe, Docker, Flask, PostgreSQL.
Frontend: Angular.
