Project description

Developing and maintaining a cross-platform desktop application for scientific data visualization.

The task was to create a brand-new viewer for postprocessing CFD/FEA/CM data that supported Linux, Windows, and Mac systems and was available for both 32bit and 64bit platforms.

The application has advanced plotting and processing features and a wide ability to export data, images, or animation.

Client info

Alta Dynamics is a company focused on engineering simulation and analysis. Its primary expertise is in solid and fluid mechanics, and computational aerodynamics simulations using Cartesian grid and the gas kinetics technology. Headquarters: Concord, Massachusetts (US).

Main functionality

CFD / FEA / CM data analysis system is a powerful, modern, and easy-to-use tool for researchers and designers. Here is a partial list of the features of the presented software:

  • Turbulent models
  • Heat transfer and diffusion analysis
  • Adaptive mesh refinement
  • Aeroacoustics/noise analysis
  • Wide range of Mach numbers
  • Unified interface for pre/post processing
  • Cross-platform

Cut in a plane perpendicular to the Y axis, with colorization of experimental (or calculated) data

Vector field. Colorization by the parameter “Density”

Joint display of several objects, one of which is clipped along the cutting plane

Measuring contours by “Acceleration” with data colorization

Technologies used

Programming language: C ++ using VTK and Qt libraries. The program works stably on Windows, macOS, iOS, and Linux.

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